Monday 31 October 2011

Independent Practice Week7:Interior Designs Part 2

The next room i will be focusing on is the crews room where i will have hibernation pods, which will be used during long journeys. So i researched hibernation pods but the hibernation pod design i had wanted to use as a base is the one from Futurama as it's a simple design but i came across multiple designs that fit the continuity of smooth circular objects when i found pods in a circle, in a line and formed around the room.

I also looked at crews cabins in a standard ship as their wasn't much of crews cabins in a spaceship but in the standard ship the crews rooms are very tight and usually forming around the ships shape and using the metal exterior of the ship as a basis to have wooden fixtures.

So from the research i developed a four set room which is symmetrical on the right side of the ship and uses the corridor as a form of entry. In the top rooms i designed the hibernation pods to be rounded and up against thee wall to hide wiring and then next set of pods and individual controllers to be placed next to each other, with an overall controller at the back of the room as well as compartments for clothing. The bottom floor is more of a living area having food compartments, t.v., seating and areas for their objects such as books. But at the front of the room would be the individual bunkers to allow the crew members sleep in the standard sleeping times.
Here is the whereabouts of the crews room in the ship as it is placed just ahead of the back of the ship, under the captains quarters.
The next room i researched into was the engine room and i found that the room consists of large machinery, which are formed by huge wheels connected to pipes and bolts and other bits of machinery. I also looked at what would control this huge machinery and found that a long large box controllers and monitors the large machinery via dials. The machinery itself would take up much of the room leaving small areas for the engines controllers and monitors to be placed within.

The room basically followed on from the researched images by having a large engine consuming the centre of the room and manifesting into the walls of the room to transfer power to the ship. Above the large engine is the engine controls which form around the elevator which is the only means of entry to the room as well as leaving the room.
Here is the whereabouts of the engine room which is placed just ahead of the lower sales taking the energy from the sails and powering the ship.
The next room i researched into was the generator room and again similar to the engine room the room consists of large machinery which are the focal point of the room, leaving the other areas of the room to be small machines to control and monitor the generator. I found that the generator room was very limited in the amounts of machinery that were visible and so your attention would only focus on the large machine because of it.

Once i had done my research i started to develop the interior for the generator room , by again having a large piece of machinery form in the centre of the room. But i wanted to create a design which would g across the room leaving very little amount of free space as the topp area of the room would be used for monitoring the generator and controlling it.

Here is the whereabouts of the generator room which is placed at the back of the ship to allow protection of the back up power during battles.

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