Monday 17 October 2011

Independent Practice Week5:Intrim Crit

This week was the intrim crit, going into the crit i was pretty confident that with the quality and quantity of work was sufficient for this time and asking the tutors what should i be expecting to produce for the crit and also with the presentation done and notes for the slides done my confidence was great, i was prepared. But once the presentation started i had barely read a full sentence from the notes and went through my slides very quickly but at the end i was still with what i had and would produce and here are the notes that were taken by the tutor that were about improving and what i could do
  • Photoshop skills enhance
  • Backstory-Solidify-When is this set?-On What Planet?-Earth-Location of Crash?
  • Isometric Floor Plan-Scale
  • Characters-How many?
  • Blog posts
-I feel my photoshop skils are enhancing as i realise new tools but i was made aware that Photoshop isn't just a software allowing me to draw but rather to speed up the process for example i would paint the background of space but with Photoshop i could quickly use the gradient tool to create a contrasting background and work from their.

-I had not really gone into much detail of the whereabouts and time that my story is placed but after thorough research i feel that basing my story within the time frame of the 1500s would fit well with the spaceship basing their design off of the Carrack as the Carrack was seen as 'the' ship to base future ships off of as it was strong, allowed large amounts of cargo and people and the structure of the sails allowed additional speed. As for the whereabouts i found an unexplored region of Earth's Amazon Rainforest primarily the Amazon Baain of South America and the reason i chose this is due to the crew that encompass the spaceship are an advanced race from a planet called shinde which have been studying the human race and have furthered their knowledge based off of human kind and from their obsession of Earth much of their advanced technology is based off of Earth's objects of the time. The reason the Amazon Basin was chosen is due to it being unexplored within the time period my main character comes across this ship from a distance because the area where the ship had crashed was unexplored many others that had come across the ship from a distance didn't want to risk the journey to the ship but the main character was the exception.

-I have redone the scale of ship and updated the images in the blog post and will do a blog post going to the specific room of the ship that will be further developed through Maya in my next project.

-The characters side of the project wasn't really an objective but after designing a few i started to think of a minimum of ten characters including the main character but that i would only focus on the environment/spaceship side of the project. The reason for this is because after doing character designs in the modelling aspect i wasn't too skilled and found the end product not really reflecting very well although i will go further into environmetal design i will if their is time to do more character design.

-With blog posts i am up to the intrim crit date.

Overall i was confident before, during and after the intrim crit as i was on the right path and only had few things to touch up on and can start working on the colour side of my scenes, here is an image of where im at:

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