Monday 17 October 2011

Independent Practice Week5:Chris' Battle Poses

During the intrim crit Chris stated that he may need me to design a few battles poses and more insect character designs and so here are the three battle poses for the main character basing the poses off of the three images you see below. The first thing that i had to do was form the body shape of the pose to which i would then use the body shape as an outline for the main character.


After sending the poses over to Chris via email he responded with "these are great the second is the best, i do like the third one but the other hand should be further up the gun holding it underneath" and with Chris liking the designs but going towards the second which i feel fits better with his main characters design and as Chris mention with the third design the positioning of the hand is off so another point added to proportions for me to focus more on when designing.

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