Monday 24 October 2011

Independent Practice Week6:Spaceship Turnaround in Colour

I started adding colour to my crash site scene and soon realised that i could not complete the scene as didn't know what type of colours would be place upon the ship and so i had to go back to the turnaround and do a few colour tests.

So i started with an overall look of wanting the ship to use the gray scale to showcase metal which would take up most of the ships design but also adding the darker shade of red to be used as the glass portions of the ship.

For the sails i went with a light shade of brown to show how the sails will be see through and will benefit from this when closed.
For the next colour design for the ship is utilising only two colours blue and grey which are used in contrasting areas of the ship. I wanted this colour design to be limited in the colour department so that it comes across that the ship uses this to it's advantage within space. Again i used a lighter shade of blue for the sails to show how the sails will be see through and will benefit from being see through so that when closed the ship can go into a hidden state as the colours will blend into the setting of space.

For the final colour design i did some research into rusty, old ships and came across the consistent colour palette that is seen across all images, which vary between the orange to brown scale. Again the images have a contrast of those two colours showing the rust coming down around the ship with minimum amount of paint left from the previous state.
Using the small research i was able to use the two colour scales of orange of brown to the pint where the whole ship is covered in a brown metal look, where rust has formed in certain areas of the ship. The reason for rust to be placed on the ship is to make the pirates look like their near the poverty side of society and using treasure hunting to get back into a normal society. Once again i used a lighter shade of blue for the sails to show how the sails will be see through and will benefit from being see through so that when closed the ship can go into a hidden state as the colours will blend into the setting of space.

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