Monday 3 October 2011

Independent Practice Week3:Chris Character Design Part3

Chris, during the feedback on the other character designs had given me little bases of what he wants for the main character design i had received these main characterisations for the character
"For the main guy I'm thinking a mix of the Mass Effect and Crysis suit and the head off the Killzone guy when he doesn't have a helmet on. Maybe even just a breathing mask too see what that might look like." "For the suit in my head it is a mix of Metal Gear Solid, Mass Effect and Crysis.The final set of character design i had an outline of what the design should look like from Chris' responses and along with them i received a couple of refrence images to go back to what Chris is looking for. As i designed the characters i had the mindset of not over complicating the design because if Chris takes design into the modelling stage the design might end up being too difficult to model, so i tried to keep to a basic design throughout the development.

With each of these first two images i wanted to create an armour for the character where they would protect key areas of the body and allow the character to maneuver. Having unique shapes to accustom the body shape of the areas they are protecting allowed for the character design to become unique. Underneath the armour, as Chris had stated would be a tough exterior of clothing that would protect the character as well as allow him to have a standard movement. The design of the helmet comes across from the shape of the head as well as the description that Chris had given of the character having a gas mask type design on the front of the face.

The last two designs i had designed from Chris' response of the Mass Effect 2 suits which are more block shaped, where as Chris wants a a design which wold fit the year that the game is set in where the designs would be smooth, sleek and would look a like a fitting of the body shape of the character. So i designed a more smooth spherical design of armour which forms around the shape of the character. The characters design as well as the previous two designs were done intentionally symmetrical so that if modelled the design wouldn't be needed to be done individually.
I am thinking practical yet with a hint of future design, so form fitting lightweight tough materials, knee/elbow pads.
Facially you will see I am thinking of Warren Christie from Alphas, good looking yet tough looking, hair you can play around with but shaved or like the Beckham is where I am thinking right now, keep the stubble beard and scar.
Colours black/white with the white being able too turn into camouflage so try to make it over the key areas.
Head wear I am not sure yet so hoping if a good design comes along it will settle it in my head, try some helmets and maybe a facial mask over the mouth, goggles/glasses that could incorporate some tech like navigation, night vision, thermal etc.

If it is possible I would like to see something by Monday for when I am in college next, to show too Annabeth, get more ideas.

Let me know if you need anymore information or to bounce ideas around."

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