Monday 17 October 2011

Independent Practice Week5:Chris' Insect Designs

As i mentioned in the previous blog post during the intrim crit Chris had wanted me to do some more designs of the insect characters of more towards stages of mutations of the characters starting with small mutations.

So i designed a character fitting Chris' description of skinny, small mutated character and by doing this i followed the usual character design but creating a thinner shape of the body which would then have sketches of mutations forming over areas of the body.
The next design would be the medium mutated character which his body would have an increase of body mass as well as mutations which are much more noticeable.
As well as increase in body mass and mutations i wanted to get across the fact that these mutations are stripping the characters humanity as he mutates further.
This had meant to be the final character being the large boss character and i had designed the character fitting with Chris' description of large body mass and larger mutations but after sending the design over Chris didn't see the design as a boss but more of a medium design.
So after the unsuccessful attempt at a large boss like insect character design Chris told me to look at Batman's Bane specifically from the 2008 game Batman:Arkham Asylum, as well as the build of professional wrestle Dave Bautista and also for the character to be around seven foot.
So after giving me the specific bits of research i created a design similar to all the areas that Chris covered in the research and with this design i wanted to get across that the mutations haven't given the character a disadvantage but rather and advantage with the tough exterior of a beetle covering areas of his limbs as armour or pincers to attack with, this character looks more menacing than the previous design.
Now with this final image that looks unchanged from teh previous image but once again after sending over the previous design Chris mentioned the proportion of the head being too small so i went back and inflated the head of the character to a suitable size but have to think more about looking at my designs' proportion as this problem has come up multiple times.

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