Tuesday 28 February 2012

Extra Work: Fort 4 Storyboard

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During my final major project i was approached by Fort 4 to do some clear visuals for their fashion storyboard for a small fee and they had basic outlines of the storyboard which were given to me to use and i accepted this job because i felt this would be a breather to my multiple projects and wasn't much work that was needed from me other then the outlined specifics of the storyboard and the deadline of Friday, i had completed the work on Wednesday night and had given the images to Fort 4 who told me that the work was great and in the transaction of the money i remembered something of which Bridget had mentioned in class that a deal of 'you scratch my back and i'll scratch yours' would be beneficial to both parties and this is when i thought rather than take the money if i ask Fort 4 to have me in mind for their next piece of artwork or stoyrboard needed then i would let this piece of work pass over to them and in which they agreed so i feel this benefited me because i would have work coming from them when needed.
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On the left side is the sketched version of the storyboard that i had done and on the right side is the cleaned up and handed to Fort 4 version.
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