Monday 30 April 2012

Creative Development Week24: Craig Shoji-Thor Movie Concept Artist

After getting replied by concept artist Mike "Daarken" Lim i thought i'd try contacting various other artists and i did but when i saw a link via @ConceptArtWorld's twitter for Marvels Thor film concept artist, Craig Shoji's work, i took a look at the artwork and tried to find a means of contacting him to give possible feedback. Going back and checking my e-mail i found that he said he would take look at the my concepts of my castle and give me feedback when he has time, so asking professional concept artists is gaining me more information about improving my art.

Here is the email i sent him:

Hi Craig Shoji

I am ifraz and currently studying digital films games and animations at Leeds college of art in the U.K.. and was wondering if you could possibly help me with taking a look at my concept for my game environment of a castle and tell me what I could do to improve this or work on or anything that can help me in becoming a concept artist.

Thank you

Ifraz Mohammed

Here is the e-mail he had sent me and i have replied back with images of my castle concept art and hoping for a reply from Craig Shoji in coming days.

hey ifraz,

i'm a bit busy at the moment but feel free to send me any work you'd

like me to look at and i'll do my best to give you some comments in a

timely manner. best of luck with your studies!



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