Monday 23 April 2012

Creative Development Week23: Jens Holdener - Dead Space Concept Artist

Looking through the names within the games industry i started to contact a few artists to receive feedback from them and not wanting to take away their time from producing concept art i kept my question short and simple and started off by asking Jen Holdener a concept artist who had worked on Dead Space 1 and 2, Tomb Raider, The Simpsons Game and more. So with that knowledge i knew that this concept artist had experience from which i could speak about and so i just generally asked about getting into the industry as well as expectations:

Hi Jens Holdener

I am a college student and i want to be a concept artist and i was wondering how would one get into the gaming industry as a concept artist and what are games industry looking for in a concept artist?

Thanks Ifraz

This is the response i received:

Hi Ifraz,
The best way is to develop your drawing and painting skills by practicing as much as possible. Second you should go to school for a formal education in illustration and possibly animation which teaches you the effective communication of story and film fundamentals. Finally they are looking for a creative mind with problem solving skills that enable you to create a believable world that one could imagine themself in. Work very hard because it is very competitive. Good Luck!

So the feedback that i received is something i will be working on and really expanding my skillset as well as furthering those that i already know so that i don't rest on the basics and really grasp all that the softwares and areas offer.

View Jens Holdeners website for more artwork:

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