Monday 30 January 2012

Creative Development Week11:Concept Art

Who they are? are a social organization providing events, schools, workshops, available jobs and a large community. The are largely based on the social networking of artists to be able to organize events and provide feedback on one anothers work.

What services they provide?

The services that provide are social networking, which involve events, workshops and schools to allow the integration of various artists to be able to develop their skills. The main service as stated is the social awareness of artists providing a website to showcase individual work and recieve attention and feedback from other artists who can steer you in the right direction. Also there is a shop which enables downloading, streaming and purchaing of classes, tutorials and other art content to provide knowledge for tactics of producing a high level of work.
How it's relevant to you? is relevant to me as it is a social provider for concept artists holding events, schools and workshop which not only exposes your skills but develops them. Another relevant service to me is the endkess forum feedback from experienced artists in similar softwares and there is a chat which eneables instant help if i'm stuck.
What are the benefits of aligning yourself with them joining/ paying for membership/subscribing to newsletters/ attending networking events?

The benfits of having mostly free services and the events, which provide more of an outcome because of social meet ups allows for group discussions and their chat services give me more areas to turn to when needing help.

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