Monday 30 January 2012

Creative Development Week11:CG Hub

Who they are?

CGHub are a community of artists within the entertainment industry, providing a website in which their updated work, tools, tips, job vacancies and networking with other artists. CGHub focus on artists who use a computer to generate imagery for a range of mediums.

What services they provide?

As stated in what CGHub do, they provide services for all aspects of digital art such as helpful advice with modelling high and low models or tools to aid in the work flow of concept art to create realistic imagery. As CGHub have a large community group they provide job listings to suit certain digital areas from arious entertainment companies and whilst searching for that speacial job CGHub set challenges to get the creative juices flowing and further develop your skills. Along with challenges or briefs CGHub have paid online sessions to work on specific areas of digital art by experienced teachers that have worked with the biggest names in the entertainment industries.

How it's relevant to you?

The services that CGHub provide are relevant to me as they allow me to build on my current skills by receiving advice from experienced artists. Also relevant to me are the job listings for either concept art or 3d modelling as these will aid me in indetifying what the needs are for these two areas and working on the requirements.

What are the benefits of aligning yourself with them joining/ paying for membership/subscribing to newsletters/ attending networking events?

CGHub's benefits are a large experience of talent that are available through master classes or feedback through other digital artists and as the paid master classes as well as the membership are benefits from known and experienced artists within the current industry but also the website is free allowing artists to publish their own work and recieve experienced feedback fro other artists who have worked with certain softwares.


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