Monday 26 December 2011

Creative Development Week06: Flash Game Designs

I came across some new way of creating a game with the Stencyl software in which you are able to produce games in the most simplest of processes by having tools available as simple as can be to put together a game, however this software only allows you to produce a flash game but nonetheless this is a software which could be used as prototyping a whole game to fully think through the levels and other areas of the game which are needed and not needed. The Stencyl software really stood out to me because this is a piece of software which i could really use as a concept artist to really have my work immersive and interactive at it's simplest point to which i can then publish to IOS or Androids and even web based platforms to promote my work to the Stencyl website and also the fact that it is free and simple, makes it easily accessible to pick up and produce.

Found at:

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