Monday 12 December 2011

Creative Development Week04: BAF

Hand Circus Notes
We went to BAF this week and the presentations that were mentioned to be shown there weren't any of which i was interested in besides the Unity one which turned out to be a let down as rather than looking at techniques and using certain tools to produce a level or objective, what was shown was the next Unity update of which stuff like the water was shown but nothing really of too much importance and was more like a showreel of the product. However this had been my first BAF appearance as previously i had problems with coming to BAF, this year on the other hand i was excited for at the Unity presentation and was let down by that but there was another few interesting presentations of which two games companies spoke about producing games for IOS and Android as well as psn and xbla platforms of which their companies revolved around few numbers of employees at one or two employees. These presentations were interesting to me as they spoke about gaining experience within a company before branching out on their own which allowed them to produce independant products and they spoke about their way of having a small based company with one of the presenters being Hand Circus of which has produced the IOS platform game Okabu.

Image Metrics Notes
Image Metrics one of the presentations at BAF which i found the most interesting of all were showing the use of a software which is available for free and the software was part of animating the face of a 3D model to produce a much realistic presentation of a cutscene when seeing a close up the face and of an area which is broken down into three parts from eyes, brows and mouth, Jay Grenier mentioned that in getting the eyes wrong the gamer would lose interest and so eye contact is key.

Here is a link to the article:

Also here is the video showreel of the work that Image Metrics has produced from films, to games and recognisable products that have used the faceware sotware:

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