Monday 19 December 2011

Creative Development Week05: Uncharted Insight

Whilst looking through my Twitter feed i came across some Uncharted news which i found out was from the Autodesk Twitter account which had an article about Naughty Dog's use of Autodesk products in Uncharted 3 and it was a really good insight into a really big company in Naughty Dog's use of softwares which are the same products which i have been using for the past three years so knowing that i am using current software which is being used by a big named company whilst they produce one the greatest games and beautiful games with the Uncharted series it really motivates me to want produce work to that caliber. The softwares that are currently being used by Naughty Dog from Autodesk are Autodesk 3ds Max, Autodesk Maya, Autodesk Mudbox and with Maya really being the main of the three products that i have spent alot of time within it was really intereseting to see the work flow between each software and how they don't rely within one software and also on how some of the artists within Naughty Dog were able to use Autodesk software to produce the simplest of assets and even something like the Desert which i had thought was done using particles but i found that the level had actually been modelled but what had lead me to believe the Desert was done using particles was because of the whole footprints being madde when you see it in game, so when i found this out i was impressed on how simple they had produced the assets and level.

Found at:

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