Monday 7 November 2011

Independent Practice Week8:Production Crit-Where am i?

This crit was basically finding out where the student are at in their projects and once again i was confident at the work that i had produced.

So the first image i had shown was the overview that i had done which now looking back at it i'm disappointed that i did not produce at the level i should have. As the image is good as it gets across the jungle setting but lacks in detail and i liked the colours used but they were too limited and lacked in the contrast that would be associated with concept art.

So i went back and had redone the whole image with this time being much more happier up until the point where i see the image multiple times and notice my faults being similar to the previous design.

Contrasting of the few colours were used much more but again lacked the detail that i wanted to produce and i felt i should leave this as it is for now as i'm happy with the overview but hope to have time available near the end of the project to go back into and develop the image.

The next scene that i showed was of the crash site within the cave and by doing the overview i was able to have a mindset of what the surrounding look like which would affect the cave.

With this image i used contrast much wisely in producing the walls of the cave to be lighter as you go further back into viewing the image. Lighting from the outside would affect the viewing of the insides of the cave and so i tried to makes the interior of the cave darker as their is a minimum amount of lighting being able to get within the cave.

The next image i showed is an extension of the previous after i felt there wasn't much detail in the image.

So i went back added more lighting to get the detail of the ship and rock formations across to the audience and just in general adding more detail to the image.
This next image is of the space scene that i was doing to give the viewer the understanding of how the ship works in space. So i started to do a few tests for the background and found this to be fitting with what i wanted as it's dark and showcases lighting. Detail i feel isn't really needed that much as the scene mainly consists of planets, asteroids which blend together in space as their is a large shine of light. 
From the previous image there isn't much of a big difference except that i added little minor amounts of detail to areas which lacked their design.

The next big difference from the previous image is the placement of the ship as this is the stage i am up  to i only got round to putting the basic colour of the ship on as well as trying to light the sails, but hope to finish this off very soon as their are only minor changes that need to be made.
This final image is of thee docked scene which i managed to get the basic colours as well as shading on. The stage that i will carry onto is the lighting of the space station as well as overall lighting but adding detail to image is key because with the sketched version of the docked scene i had a guideline to work with which had a lot of detail.

The next stage is to finish up these scenes and get moving onto the next stage as what i have done i feel are good enough to have for know but hopefully i will have enough time at the end of the project to go back and further develop the scenes as i am not satisfied with what i have produced.

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