Monday 21 November 2011

Creative Development Week01:Get Into Gaming

One event that stands out to me as an individual who is looking towards the games industry is the local event within Leeds, the Get Into Gaming event. This event is more of a social gathering of games lovers, where playing games, talking about games from gamers and even people from within the industry holding talks and also gaming and more available gaming related opportunities. The resaon why this event is one that i will be trying to attend is due to the event bringing experience from people within the gaming industry who have 'been there, done that' and not only listening to their talks, i will be able to play games with and against them opening up more time to just hang out and perhaps to even get my details across of what i am doing. This event seems more social than other events and allows me to bring exposure to my work and potential employers for my skills to be used and with the next event in two days time it would be the best opportunity to get myself out there and network with not just people who are in the industry but just people who love games.

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