Monday 26 September 2011

Independent Practice Week2:Research

Having the idea of doing a space pirate ship immediately what came to mind was the 2002 Disney animation Treasure Planet and so i went back and watched the animation again. Watching the animation with a different mindset, one which looks at the little nuances that were missed the first time around. Picking up the concept of using a standard ship based design such as a galleon or a frigate and turning that into a space ship by adding certain technological aspects of the ship such as engines, solar sails and generator. The way that Treasure Planet has created their design has given me the option of using certain traits of theirs to possibly build around or go down their route.
Taking more screenshots of the interiors of ships as well as the exterior from certain shows i was watching at the time, the two being Haven and the 2011 Thundercats show. As i was watching the show, Haven i started to see how the standard ship has little on its main deck besides the key components of a ship. The interior of the ship shows that it is the main area of living as you see most of the crews posessions within the ship. The other show, the 2011 Thundercats isn't one to regularly show ships but one had shown up in an episode and i found that the unique design as well as certain objects that show they are based off of their surroundings, such as the class like domes on the side to look out through the sand. There wasn't much in the interior aspect of the show but what had stood out from the limited scenes of the interior were the ships kitchen which shows how the room itself takes shape from the exterior of the ship.
Overall taking these screenshots from the first similar idea that came to mind and ship related shows that i had been watching at the time, i found that taking these screenshots and taking a look at ships designs and key areas more thoroughly i picked up key components to be used in my development. Key components such as the regular design that comes to mind when thinking of as ship, with the sails, main deck, cabin and the components that are shown with the technology portion of the ship, such as the engines, generator and how sails would be used.

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