Monday 19 September 2011

Independent Practice Week1:Briefing

The top up year for DFGA course had started with the usual updates and ongoing within the confines of the college, along with the briefing of the new project. Carrying on the self-brief mentality from the previous year we were told to that the new project would be an exploration into the issues of our dissertation through practical means. After the briefing of the project had been told we were asked to fill out a rationale for the project, what are the outcomes, bibliography and the overall progress of the project.

Below is the rationale form that i filled out, the overlooking aspect of the form is that i will be developing my skillset of the conceptual stage of a project by focusing on the concept art. Within this project i will be developing my idea with concept art, sketches and variation of designs which will be used within the next project to create a 3D model. Choosing to focus on concept art and modelling as separate projects came to mind after looking back at the previous years project outcomes and not really being impressed by the end product, which led focusing on them as individual stages.

1.Name: Ifraz Mohammed
Rationale must include:
  • a brief summary of the project - work/study/research intended.
  • what will be produced
  • the purpose of the project in terms of your own professional and personal development
  • intended audience
  • potential problems you may have and how you will handle them
  • where appropriate - citation from reading/research/dissertation material
  • bibliography

2.Rationale - strategy of study and project development - 500 words
  • The project that i am going with is to basically have an idea which will be developed through a few concept art pieces which will then be sufficient enough to develop further through 3D modelling. The work intended to be done is a few pieces of concept art demonstrating my idea and creating the mood and overall feel for the game. I intend on studying concept art that has already been created and how they have been created by researching concept artist, tutorials as well as directly contacting these artists.
  • At the end of the project i expect to have pieces of concept art demonstrating designs, ideas and the whole concept of my project. Developing my artistic skills to better express my ideas is my goal towards the end of the project and once my skill set has become that of a professional nature i believe i can take the projects outcome towards my next project to create a 3D representation.
  • The Purpose of the project is to develop my skills and to understand what is expected of me when beginning a project and to allow myself to use enough time in developing an idea. This project is more of a developing skills project where i will be expecting an outcome that can be given to anyone and for them to be able to produce a game from the concept art being so vivid and detailed that covers many areas that is shown.
  • The intended audience would be 12+, the reason being is, i intend for the concept art to show the game being a darker teenage type of game involving pirates and the game will intend to have a series of puzzles within the game which will be at a certain difficulty setting. I see the style of concept art being dark, mature and showcasing more of a detailed setting which will be appreciated more by the older generation of gamers and the style of gameplay being more puzzle based and will also have more of a technical/intellectual style of gameplay.
  • Potential problems that may occur throughout my concept development could be the artwork itself, being unclear of what i am trying to display and also the mood, setting and overall design of the idea not comign across. A way to rectify the problem would be to constantly look at refrence images, work and even tutorials to show how other artists show their work.
  • Reading materials such as magazines, online articles and tutorials will be used in development and along with researching into the mentioned sources i will be in contact with concept artists to aid in producing concept art along with their feedbacks and sources from my dissertation will help in understanding how the piece of art or game comes across.

3.Bibliography - havard reference

Lisa M. Detora, (2009) Heroes of film, comics and American culture: essays on real and fictional defenders of home:North Carolina:McFarland and Company, Inc.

Michael McKinley, (2010) Maya Studios Projects Game Environments and Props:Indianapolis, Indiana:Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Roz Kaveney,(2008) Superheroes! Capes and Crusaders in Comics and Films:London:I.B. Tauris

Henry Jenkins, (2006) Convergence culture: where old and new media collide:New York and London:New York University

Robert Alan Brookey, (2010) Hollywood gamers: digital convergence in the film and video game industries:Bloomington, Indiana:Indiana University Press

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