Monday 26 September 2011

Independent Practice Week2:Designs

I began to design my ships but not go into distinct detail rather just having a unique design as well the placing of the sails. With each design i wanted them to have a distinct design whether it be large, small or even small in size going to a large size. The unique placement of the sails also came to mind as to how many sails would be used and the sails shape.

As you can see from the designs that i had done i wanted to design the ship as a block based outline although i produced some spherical type designs to see variations but i was going for the block based shape, thinking of how the modelling stage would benefit from this, speaking of polygon wise.

My mindset of the ships size, specifically the back of the ship where i see the captain and crews cabin areas, the front of the ship being the control room and below would be areas for the cargo, supply room, generator, engine room and even the weaponry.

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