Monday 7 November 2011

Independent Practice Week8:Control Room Interior

Before doing the the interior of the room of choice i took some time out and wanted to go back into EA's 2008 horror game, Dead Space but settled with the iPad equivalent to have an overlook at how they have created their interior.

From playing the game for a while i found that the interior design is very basic and doesn't have a range of colours, but allows the lighting to differentiate between objects. I see the lighting and basic colour being used as part of the whole horror genre that it is based within.
So after looking at Dead Space i found that this is a step which i wanted to follow where i allowed the lighting to play the factor of giving the gamer the understanding of where one object starts or ends.

After knowing what outlook i will take for the interior design i choose to do the control room as i feel with the amount of time in the next project this type of room would benefit from the time that i will have.
So i started to colour the control room with a grayscale to give the look of a metal ship but within the metal interior i will have colours which will stand out because there will be a limited amount of colour range, similar to Dead Space their interior was a grayscale and when bright vibrant colours were found they stood out. So in my room i made sure the room was a greyscale and made sure that there would be areas and items within the room which have colours that will stand out, for example the head of the enemy will stand out because the colours are bright and with the backdrop of greyscale it will be a focus point.
This is the cutaway of the control room interior for the viewer to see that it is placed within the front area of the spaceship to allow the crew to see where they are going and is a much larger area, allowing the room to be used as a control room which is symmetrical.

But from this image i didn't want the ship itself to take away from the interior but rather give a see through view of where this room is and how it shapes itself from the area of the ship that it is placed within.
The last bit of art that i had done was the floor plan for the control room because from the view of the previous images you could only see one side of the room.

But with the floor plan i was able to get across how large the room is and amount of space that is available to the gamer.

From the start of sketching the room out i wanted the room to be symmetrical with the top floor being the centre and because the ship is very large there would need to be a large room to monitor and manually control the ship.

Overall i feel that the room is a good choice to develop further but my only disappointment is that due to timing i wasn't able to get more perspective shots of the room to give the viewer a better understanding of the objects that are in the room.

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